Just Checking

That night, Claire received a call, just as she was settling in for the night. This made her jump. It was unusual, in general, for people to call without scheduling it first or giving any kind of message. Reluctantly she answered by pressing a button on her phone’s display showing an ear icon. Audio only.

X: Claire? Hi, Claire? I can’t see you.

C: Oh, hi, Mrs. Margaret. I’m here.

X: I can’t see you!

The voice was almost frantic. Claire tried not to sigh audibly. “Hold on.” She looked in the mirror briefly, tamed a few stray hairs, then rebuttonned the top of her shirt. She looked over herself in the mirror, shrugged to herself. Good enough. She pressed another button, which turned on the large, holographic display in her livingroom.

“There you are.” said the woman. On the display was a woman who looked to be about forty. She had blonde curly hair, though her dark roots were showing. Large blue eyes that seemed permanently glazed with tears, and a nervous, almost frantic expression.

X: How are you?

Though this was normally a casual question, the woman on the screen asked it very urgently. She is entirely too alert for this hour, Claire thought.

C: I’m fine. How are you?

X: Oh, I’m fine dear. But tell me. Are you taking the supplements?

C: Yes.

X: Everything’s good then? When was your last checkup?

C: Last Wednesday. I have another tomorrow, but there shouldn’t be any problems. They said everything is perfect.

X: Okay.

She seemed to calm down just a bit at this. She sighed.

X: Sorry to call you like this. But you young people are up all hours anyway, right?

Claire smiled. It was forced, but the woman on the other end didn’t seem to notice.

X: Will you call me tomorrow, and tell me how it goes?

C: Yeah, sure.

X: Okay, well… Just don’t forget about the supplements, okay?

C: I won’t.

X: Okay… Goodnight then, dear.