Medieval Pseudoscience Keyboard
I designed a keycap set based on medieval pseudoscience and built a mechanical keyboard.
During a bout of insomnia, the idea came to me to design a keycap set themed around medieval pseudoscience.
Letters and numbers are alchemy symbols (representing different substances). The shift key is moon phases, the 12 F-keys are months as zodiac signs. Some of the other modifier keys mean things like "sublimate" or "bath of vapors" etc.
Here's what the design looks like on a wireframe:
I then ordered a kit from China, which was unassembled but had all the parts except the actual keys (no switches, no caps). This particular one is called Zoom TKL in the lilac color.
I tried tons of switches via a sampler pack, and ordered two different ones. Durock T1 for the alphanumeric, Hippo Unicorn for the modifiers. That way, the characters have a tactile bump of resistance that feels slightly typewriter-like, while other things like Shift are super smooth.
And here's the finished product, which I'm typing on right now.
Posted it to a group chat of my local friends for that sweet, sweet dopamine hit.